Classrooms, teachings and network license

To check the availability in the classroom, the teachings that adopt these software and to obtain a network license (teaching staff only) consult the pages:

MSC Students Software

The MSC platform provides various engineering software.

Through a single registration it is possible to download all the available software.

Software included: Adams , Digimat, Marc, Nastran, Patran and others.

How to get the software

Licenses, recipients, request and download methods

  • Annual license
  • The software can be installed on personal PCs or PCs owned by the Politecnico

Network licenses are available for various MSC software, for more details see the software pages linked at the top left


  1. access to:
  2. follow the instructions
  • Annual license
  • The software can be installed on personal PCs


  1. access to:
  2. follow the instructions

In the absence of specific indications, PhD students can use:

  • software intended for students on personal PCs
  • software for teaching staff on departmental PCs

This software is not available for technical and administrative staff.

Educational licenses

The licenses are “educational” editions, the use of the application packages is strictly limited to the University’s institutional activities, thus excluding any use for personal, professional purposes and for profit.